Bus Shelter (S/M) Rooftop Set

Rooftop Set: Base Glass Rooftop Set for S-Size
Design: RIGA
Sale price€0,00

Introducing the Bus Shelter (S/M) Rooftop Set – a versatile addition to our bus stop shelter design, offering three customizable options: Base Glass Rooftop, Green Panels Rooftop, or Solar Panels Rooftop.

Choose the Rooftop Set option that best suits your design preferences, sustainability goals, and functional requirements, and transform your Bus Shelter into a modern and eco-friendly urban oasis.

  • Base Glass Rooftop Set for Bus Shelter Sizes S and M
  • Green Panels Rooftop Set for Bus Shelter Sizes S and M
  • Solar Panels Rooftop Set for Bus Shelter Sizes S and M
Rooftop Set Size, mm 4200(l)x1200(w) 5600(l)x1200(w)